1-Sunnahs of Wudhu:
1- Recite Tasmiah: Say Bismillah before starting the ablution
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ
(In the name of Allah)
Prophet (SAWW) said: “He who does not start Wudhu by Allah’s name his Wudhu is invalid”.
(Abou Dawood, 101. At Tirmidhi, 25. Ibn Majah, 397)
So remember :
“Bismillah is the key of wudhu and Wudhu is the key of Salah.”
“No bismilah → No Wudhu ,No whudu →no Salah”
2. Use Miswak /tooth stick: Use Siwak before rinsing one’s mouth.
The Prophet (SAWW) says, “Had I not thought it difficult for my Ummah, I would have commanded them to use the Siwak (tooth stick) before every Prayer.’’ (Masnad Imaam Ahmed 9928 ).
3.Washing the hands thrice: Wash both hands three times, run the water through the fingers properly.
4. Rinsing the mouth and nose: Rinse the mouth. snuff water into the nose before washing the face.
5. Rinse the nose: snuff water into the nose before washing the face. Use left hand to clean and expel water from the nose.
This is because it is mentioned in the hadith that the Prophet (SAWW), “washed his hands thrice, then he rinsed his mouth and snuffed water and blew it out, then he washed his face thrice…). ( Bukhari, 164 and Muslim, 226).
6. Exaggerating in rinsing the mouth and snuffing: Be thorough in rinsing the mouth and snuffing the nose to the uppermost part of the nose if not fasting. This is because of the hadith, “…and be thorough in snuffing water except when you are fasting”. (Sunan At-Tirmithi 788, Abu Dawoud 2366, ibn Maja, Book of purification 407 and An-Nasaee 87).
7. Rinsing one’s mouth and nose with the same handful of water: This is because of the hadith, “He (the Prophet SAWW) put his hand (into the vessel containing water) rinsed his mouth and snuffed up water(for cleaning the nose) from the palm of one hand”. (Bukhari, 191 and Muslim, 235).
8. Running fingers through beard (Only for men): Running one’s wet finger through thick beard upon washing the face. It is mentioned in the hadith that the Prophet (SAWW) used to run his wet finger through his beard while performing ablution. (At-Tirmidhi, Book of Purification, 31).
9. Wiping over one’s head: After washing face and arms ( which are Fard actions) one should do Masah on head and ears. The way of wiping the head is to start from the forehead until the nap of the neck and back to the front again.
As for obligatory wiping over one’s head, it is to wipe over one’s head in any way. It is narrated that the Messenger of Allah (SAWW) used to pass his hands over his head (in ablution) from the front to the back and then to the front again. (Bukhari 185 and Muslim 235).
10. Running wet fingers between the fingers and toes: The Prophet (SAWW) said, “Perform your ablution properly and let water to run between the fingers and toes”.( Abou Dawood, the book of fasting 142 .At Tirmidhi 788. Al Nissaai, Book of purification 114).
11. Begin with the right limb: It is narrated in the hadith that the Messenger of Allah (SAWW): “Used to start from the right side on wearing shoes, combing his hair, cleaning or purifying himself and on doing anything else”. (Bukhari, 168 and Muslim, 268).
12. Performing the actions thrice: Increase washing from one to three times, when washing the face, hands and feet. (Bukhari 159 and Muslim 226).
13. Dalk: Dalk is an Arabic term. It means to rub water properly over the body parts with the hand during wudu while washing or after. (Ibn Khuzaymah, the book of Ablution 118)
14. Perfecting one’s ablution: Washing each part properly and perfectly during Wudu is a Sunnah.
The benefit of this Sunnah:
l The Prophet (SAWW) said, “He who performed ablution perfectly, his sins would come out from his body, even coming out from under his nails.” (Muslim 245).
l Narrated Nu`am Al-MujmirOnce I went up the roof of the mosque, along with Abu Huraira. He perform ablution and said, "I heard the Prophet (SAWW) saying, "On the Day of Resurrection, my followers will be called "Al-Ghurr-ul- Muhajjalun" from the trace of ablution and whoever can increase the area of his radiance should do so (i.e. by performing ablution regularly).' "(Sahih Bukhari, 136)
15. Performing ablution in one’s house: It is recommended that one should perform the wudhu at home.
Benefit of this sunnah:The Prophet (SAWW) said, “Whoever purifies in his house and walks to the mosque to perform obligatory prayer, his steps are counted as one removes a sin and the other raises his rank”. (Muslim 666)
16. Using a little amount of water: The Prophet (SAWW) used to perform Ablution with least amount of water in ablution. (Bukhari, 201 and Muslim, 325)
Benefit of this Sunnah: Water is a blessing and Prophet(SAWW) discouraged to waste the water. He prohibited excessive use of water for wudhu/ablution or Ghusl, even when the water was abundant, He advised thriftiness: thus he recommended that believers perform wudhu no more than three times, even if they were near to a flowing spring or river. He, Himself used a minimal amount of water, using just one Mudd of water (the equivalent of 1.25 Litres) when carrying out Wudu and only five Mudds for Ghusl (slightly more than 5 litres) (so 6.25 L for both Wudhu and Ghusl). (Sahih Bukhari 198)
17. Exceed the area of washing: Washing above the limits of the four limbs (hands and foot). It is narrated that Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) performed ablution, he washed his arm up to the elbows(and just beyond it) and his feet up to the ankles and said: “this is how the Messenger of Allah (SAWW) performed ablution”. (Muslim 246)
18. Performing two rak’ahs (Tahiya Tul Wudhu): Perform two Rak’ahs (Tahiya tul Wudhu) after completing ablution. The Messenger of Allah (SAWW) said, “ Whoever performs Wudoo in the way that I perform it then prays two rak’ahs of prayer without allowing his thoughts to be distracted, all his previous sins are forgiven.” ( Bukhari 159 and Muslim226).
In another Hadith, it was mentioned: “He will be rewarded by nothing except Paradise”. (Muslim 234)
19. Pronounce the Shahaadah after Wudhu: Say the Shahaadah (testification of faith) upon the completion of ablution.
اَشْهَدُ اَنْ لَااِلٰهَ اِلَّااللهُ وَحْدَهُ لَاشَرِيْكَ لَهٗ وَاَشْهَدُاَنَّ مُحَمَّدًاعَبْدُهٗ وَرَسُوْلُهٗ
(“I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah that Muhammad is His Abd and Messenger”.)
The benefit of this Sunnah: It is narrated that the Prophet (SAWW) said, “ If anyone amongst you performs the ablution perfectly and then says Shahadah, the eight gates of Paradise would be opened for him and he may enter by whichever of them he desires”. (Muslim 234).
20. Supplications after Wudhu:
On the top of Shahada say these duas,
سُبْحَانَكَ اللّٰهُمَّ وَبِحَمْدِكَ اشْهَدُاَنْ لَااِلٰهَ اِلَّاَنْتَ اَسْتَغْفِرُكَ وَاَتُوْبُ اِلَيْكَ
("Glory and praise be to You, O Allaah, I bear witness that there is no god but You, I seek Your forgiveness and I repent to You")
(An-Nasa'i, 'Amalul-Yawm wal-Layla, p. 173.)
"اللَّهُمَّ اجْعَلْنِي مِنَ التَّوَّابِينَ وَاجْعَلْنِي مِنَ الْمُتَطَهِّرِينَ"
(O Allah, make me among those who turn to You in repentance, and make me among those who are purified.)
(At-Tirmidhi 1/78. See also Al-Albani)
Obligatory actions of Wudu
One should know the difference between Faradh(obligatory) actions and Sunnah actions of Wudu, so in case if someone is in hurry or have shortage of water or travelling then he/she can do only obligatory actions.
Fardh (obligatory) acts of Wudu:
Allah, may He be exalted, says in Quran:
“O you who believe! When you intend to offer As-Salat (the prayer), wash your faces and your hands (forearms) up to the elbows, rub (by passing wet hands over) your heads, and (wash) your feet up to ankles”.
(Surah Al Ma’aidah 5:6
Obligatory actions of wudu are following:
1. To make intention,
2. To say the Bismilah,
3. To wash the face, of which the mouth and nose are part.
4. To wash the two arms, up to the elbows.
5. To apply Masah(wiping) on the entire head (the ears are included in the head).
6. To wash the two feet, up to the ankle
7. Tarteeb, to Wash these parts of the body in the proper order.
8. Muwalat. Doing these actions consecutively (to wash the bodily parts one right after another without a break).
l If someone will miss any of obligatory action, his wudu will be invalid.
l Do not waste water while performing the wudu.
l No wudu, No Prayer, as the Messenger of Allah (SAWW) said:
“The prayer of none amongst you would be accepted in a state of impurity until he performs ablution”. (Al Muslim 225)
Good news for those who perfectly perform the ablution(WUDU):
The Messenger of Allah (SAWW) said that : “You shall have your faces hands and feet bright on the Day of Resurrection because of your perfect ablution. He who can afford among you, let him increase the brightness of his forehead and that of hands and legs”. (Al Muslim 246)
There is another beautiful Hadith;
Verily Allah's Messenger (SAWW) said: “My Pond of Abundance has its dimensions wider than the distance between Aila and Aden, and its water is whiter than ice and sweeter than the honey diluted with milk, and its cups are more numerous than the numbers of the stars. Verily I shall prevent the (faithless) people there from just as a man prevents the camels of the people from his fountain. They said: Messenger of Allah, will you recognise us on that day? He said: Yes, you will have distinctive marks which nobody among the peoples (except you) will have; you would come to me with blazing forehead and bright hands and feet on account of the traces of ablution.” (Al Muslim 247 )
“Subhan Allah … what a beautiful description? just a simple, regular action can make us recognised by Prophet (SAWW) on the day of judgement.”
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